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Have a read of the most Frequently Asked Questions about Shockwave and Laser Treatments that we offer at Taibach Shockwave Clinic.

What is shockwave therapy, and how does it work?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilises short, intense energy sound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. It promotes microtrauma, increases blood flow, and triggers an acute inflammatory response, which accelerates healing in various musculoskeletal conditions.

Is shockwave and Laser therapy safe?

When administered by qualified therapists, shockwave and Laser therapy is safe and free of significant side effects. It has gained approval from reputable health organisations and is trusted by numerous clinics and hospitals.

How effective is shockwave and Laser therapy for specific conditions?

Shockwave and Laser therapy has been proven highly effective for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, tendonitis, and more. It offers fast pain relief, increased mobility, and accelerated tissue healing.

Can shockwave and Laser therapy be used for chronic pain?

Yes, shockwave therapy is a valuable option for chronic pain management. It can provide relief and improve the quality of life for individuals dealing with long-term pain conditions.

How long does a typical therapy session take?

A typical therapy session usually takes about 15 minutes give or take, depending on the specific condition and the area being treated. Treatments are focussed meaning you get maximum benefits and can return to your daily routine quickly.

Can I have longer treatments and see more benefit?

No, there are set guidelines for the treatment of all conditions that is backed up by vast amounts of research. Exceeding these parameters could actually reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Does treatment hurt?

As a rule, Shockwave can be slightly uncomfortable. You often experience mild discomfort with shockwave therapy but this is not excruciating. On the other hand, Laser is normally accompanied by a warm sensation but isn’t painful at all.

I’m not sure what therapy will be best for me?

No problems at all, give the clinic a call or send us an email and we will be happy to discuss with you and find the best approach for you.

Are there many side effects?

There are very few reported side effects with either therapy and when delivered by an experienced professional side effects are very, very rare.

Can I have both Shockwave and Laser therapy?

There are instances where a combined approach will give greater results. Our clinicians will be happy to help you reach this decision.

Will I have to have a course of treatment?

Yes, in most cases, especially when the injury hasn’t been treated before you will usually need a combination of sessions to achieve your goals. This will differ from person to person and will be determined between you and the practitioner when you visit the clinic.


Do you still have more questions? Visit our contact page and get in touch with us today for your bookings or enquiries.

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